Cantor Randall Schloss

Volunteer of the Month: Cantor Randall Schloss

Why do you volunteer for the ACC? How do you make time for it in your busy schedule?

I volunteer for the ACC because I believe strongly in its mission. I think the ACC is a vital organization in helping to advance the role of the cantor and in supporting us as cantors. So I’m happy to do what I can on a larger scale and not just work in my own community. Honestly, it is pretty difficult to make time for anything extra. But I consider it as part of my job. I schedule it in with everything else I have to do and do my best to make sure it gets done.

What projects are you currently involved in with the ACC? What past involvements have given you exceptional memories?

I am co-chair of the upcoming Boston convention. I was only invested a few years ago so I don't have cherished memories of past involvements years ago! But I valued my time at HUC, I value my classmates, colleagues that I’ve met at conventions and my colleagues across the Boston area. Basically, I feel very much a part of the ACC community so that’s what drives me to participate.

How do try to inspire Jewish young people?

Certainly, I use music in everything I do which inspires everyone from the youngest kids to the oldest adults. But rather than work on being inspiring, I just try to relate to kids of all ages as best as I can. I think my experience with my own kids helps. I show them I am a real person and treat them as individuals. I have fun with them and hopefully, they see me as someone who is committed to Judaism and not something foreign or different from other people in their lives.

What do you like to do completely unrelated to your cantorate?

The cantorate is pretty all consuming, and kind of relates to all aspects of life. But for things not specifically cantorial? I love to just spend time with my family: my two young daughters, Maya and Sonya (8 & 6 years old) and my wife, Leah. I also love sports: skiing, golf, running, and tennis – really any kind of physical activity. In the past year, my daughters have picked up skiing so it’s exciting to combine my two favorite activities.