Volunteer of the Month: Cantor Don Croll
Why do you volunteer for the ACC? How do you find time for it volunteering in your busy schedule?
I find time because I feel that the ACC has given me so much over the 32 years that I’ve been a cantor. The ACC has helped me through placement, contract negotiations and such, and the only right thing to do is to give back – to be part of the organization in an up front way and not wait for others to volunteer. In my own small way I needed to be able to help. I find time by giving up some of my day off too, and sometimes I come to work a little earlier to get my temple work done which leaves some time to do my volunteer work.
What are you currently volunteering to do for the ACC? What volunteer position has been the most meaningful to you?
Currently I sit on the budget committee. I represented the ACC on the Joint Commission on Worship, Music and Religious Living for three years. I need to add that when I would go to the commission meetings they would energize me. It was amazing to be part of that commission. I also represented the ACC on the Outreach and Membership Commission. I also think that attending the URJ Biennials is another way to volunteer your time to represent the ACC. I had honor of leading the 2005 Houston Biennial in worship. It was the only time that a service was led by two Rabbis and two cantors and that was six months of intense conference calls and planning. It was very exciting, exhilarating, humbling and an honor –a great honor to represent the ACC in front of 5000 delegates.
How do you inspire young people?
The joy that I find in singing this music, I think, is infectious. However, as children get older, you can’t inspire them with the standard classics. ”You have to sing music that speaks to them: music by Dan Nichols for instance. (He’s our composer-in-residence this year).
What do you do that is completely unrelated to your cantorate?
I attend a ridiculous amount of live theater; on average almost twice a month. Jan and I have season tickets to four different theater venues.
How often do you do Elvis impersonations like you did at the Memphis convention?
I brought the dreidel song (arranged originally by Jeff Klepper and then redone by Zamir) to the Turtle Creek Chorale (the gay men’s choir) in Dallas. They loved it and the director showed me how to do the Elvis moves 10 years ago!