Washington, DC ACC-GTM Convention Registration is Now Open
We are so excited to have you join us in Washington June 29-July 3, 2025.
The ACC-GTM convention will offer a wide array of opportunities for our diverse membership to connect and learn. Foundational to this year's programming mission is that it represents our membership and creates spaces of belonging. You will have the opportunity to fine tune your arranging and choir leading skills, to strengthen your vocal power and health with trained professionals, to use your skills to enhance your social justice work, to engage with all that DC has to offer, and learn how and why we keep moving forward when the world seems so dark. Our keynote speaker will inspire you to use music as a powerful tool, and our closing panel will energize you to go forward and do the difficult work of making this world a better place. You will leave inspired. You will leave refreshed. You will leave feeling connected. You might not want to leave.
The music of t'filah and the composer’s workshop will move you, as will a special concert celebrating 50 years of women in the cantorate, where our own Cantor Barbara Ostfeld, the first ordained female cantor, will be honored. We are thrilled to welcome Micah Hendler as the scholar-in-residence for this year’s Convention! Micah is a musical bridge-builder in the U.S. and is local to DC. He fosters unity through communal singing, harmony, and collaborative songwriting.
Micah will guide us through a participatory musical keynote in multipart harmony using songs and stories that lift up voices for hope and agency.
In addition to the keynote address Micah will also offer intimate workshops throughout the convention. His message of harmony, resilience, and the power of voices in unison is not to be missed!
More information will be coming soon about our workshops and t'filot. To see more information and the links to register, click here!
Convention Co-Chairs,
Judy Cole, GTM
Cantor Jason Kaufman, ACC
Cantor Amanda Kleinman. ACC
Lindi Rivers, GTM