Reform Movement Leaders Respond to Tragic Gun Massacre in Highland Park
July 5, 2022
July 4, 2022 - We mourn the six lives taken today in Highland Park, IL and pray for all those injured, beloved members of our Reform Jewish community among them. On this day celebrating American independence, it is clear that Americans’ ability to live independent of the fear of gun violence is ever more elusive. With each massacre, the freedom to gather, pray, shop, learn, and simply be, free from fear of gun violence, is taken away.
As we await news that the perpetrator of today’s violence has been apprehended, we also know that there will be a next time. The recently passed federal legislation was an important step forward, but far from sufficient to address the scope of gun violence happening in every state in the nation. This country remains tragically in the grip of those unwilling to act to curb gun violence. Mass shootings, as well daily loss of life from firearms, plague us. But let us be clear: The proliferation of guns is a policy choice that state and national policy makers can stop. It is on each of us to demand they do so.
May the memories of those lost today be a blessing and may their loved ones find comfort and peace.
American Conference of Cantors
Cantor Seth Warner, President
Rachel Roth, Chief Operating Officer
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Rabbi Lewis Kamrass, President
Rabbi Hara E. Person, Chief Executive
Union for Reform Judaism
Jennifer Brodkey Kaufman, Chair
Rabbi Rick Jacobs, President
Commission on Social Action and Religious Action Center
Susan Friedberg Kalson, Chair
Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, Director