The American Conference of Cantors proudly announces the ratification of the Resolution in Support of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Civil and Religious Rights
At their recent Convention and Annual Meeting in Kerhonkson, NY, the ACC membership
overwhelmingly approved the adoption of the resolution in support of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender rights.
Given the continuing controversy surrounding lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil
rights in state and national politics, particularly with respect to legalizing same-sex civil marriages,
the American Conference of Cantors (ACC) stands alongside the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ)
and the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) to affirm their abiding commitment to
protecting the rights and dignity of all LGBT individuals, couples, and families.
Social Action and Justice Committee members Cantor Shannon McGrady Bane of Temple Beth Ohr,
La Mirada, CA, and Cantor Rosalie Toubes of Temple Sinai, Brookline, MA, crafted the resolution
that was brought forth to the membership of the ACC for adoption. Social Action and Justice
Committee Chair, Cantor Tanya Tamarkin of Temple Israel, Tallahassee, FL, assisted her
committee to present the resolution as follows:
Therefore, let it be resolved that, as members of the ACC:
1. We support lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender civil issues.
a. We support and affirm the efforts of our members to advocate for legal same-sex
civil marriage at both state and federal levels in the United States.
b. We support legal protection for LGBT individuals in other areas as well, including
stronger hate crime laws and penalties for workplace discrimination.
2. We support full LGBT inclusion in Jewish life.
a. The ACC supports LGBT congregants and clergy as full participants in Jewish
congregational and communal life.
b. The ACC recognizes those causes which the LGBT Jewish community identifies as
crucial to maintaining healthy memberships in congregational life.
c. The ACC supports LGBT congregants and families as welcome members in their
3. We affirm our positive role as Cantors in addressing LGBT concerns.
a. As cantors, we pledge to create a welcoming and inclusive environment in our
congregations and communities for all LGBT individuals, domestic partners, and
families with children.
b. We continue to support each cantor's freedom of choice to officiate at the ritual
sanctification of a same-sex Jewish couple, and at civil unions or marriages to the
extent allowed by law at this time.
c. We recognize the importance of sensitive adaptations to liturgy to reflect same-sex
d. We encourage our composers and poets to create inclusive music, lyrics and prayers
that increase LGBT participation in our congregations.
e. We support the investiture and certification of LGBT cantors.