ACC participates in Nothing But Nets Campaign
CHICAGO, IL: The American Conference of Cantors (ACC) [www.accantors.org] is excited to
announce a partnership with the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) [www.urj.org], URJ
Commission on Social Action (CSA) [www.urj.org/csa] and the Religious Action Center (RAC)
[www.rac.org] in what is hoped will be a Reform Jewish Movement-wide campaign to combat
malaria in Africa.
Stemming from a growing interest in the United Nation’s Millennial Development goals to address
global poverty as well as the desire to find tangible projects with which to engage congregations at
the grassroots level, the Reform Movement, led by the ACC, RAC, and the CSA will participate in an
effort to combat the spread of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. By making a movement-wide
commitment to supply 50,000 mosquito nets, training and educational materials to select African
communities, the Reform Movement will be making significant strides toward combating this fatal,
yet preventable disease. Contributions will be raised in $10 increments, for a $10 donation
provides an insecticide-treated family-sized bed net, training and long-term monitoring of the net
The URJ is partnering with www.nothingbutnets.net in this endeavor. Congregations and affiliate
organizations will have the opportunity to raise funds and become involved in advocacy efforts of
this anti-malaria campaign. Programmatic, fundraising and educational materials will be provided
as well as sample activities, step-by-step instructions and CSA staff assistance. Cantor Tanya
Tamarkin of Temple Israel of Tallahassee, FL, Chair of the ACC’s Social Action Committee, is
spearheading this effort on behalf of the ACC’s membership.
“Malaria is a preventable disease. If the Reform Movement can provide 50,000 mosquito nets to
families in Africa, think of the number of lives that can be saved. Tikkun Olam—repairing the
world—is a guiding principle of Judaism. I am proud of our Conference and the URJ for taking this
step and for promoting this worth-while cause,” commented Tamarkin.
Malaria claims over one million lives each year and remains the number one killer of children under
five in sub-Saharan Africa. To combat this growing issue, advocacy organizations are raising funds
to provide nets to families in sub-Saharan Africa. Insecticide-treated bed nets work as a protective
barrier against mosquitoes and offer long-lasting (three years) protection for families. When
individuals step forward to combat this disease, malaria can become both controllable and