ACC E-Note #72: Results of Executive Board Elections
Dear Colleagues,
With our election season having come to a close, it is my privilege to report to you the results of the ACC elections for Executive Board members, whose terms will begin at the close of the 2008 Convention in San Francisco, and run through the elections in 2011.
First, I would like to extend our respect and gratitude to those Board members whose current term of service is coming to a close. To Janice Roger and Amy Levy: we are deeply appreciative of your service to our Conference and value the talents and skills you brought to our leadership. We wish you continued blessings and inspiration in your work, and hope that we can continue to rely on your spirit in support of the work of this Conference.
We welcome our newest board members:
Nancy Ginsberg, At Large
Shira Nafshi, At Large
Kerith Spencer-Shapiro, East B
We welcome back for an additional term:
Penny Kessler, East A
Sharon Kohn, Midwest
Roz Barak, West
May our work continue to bring us strength and inspiration in support of a strong and vibrant ACC!
I look forward to seeing all of you in San Francisco!!
Moadim l'simcha,
Susan Caro
ACC Vice President, Internal Policy and Administration