Volunteer of the Month: Cantor Ellen Dreskin
Why do you volunteer for the ACC? How do you make time for it in your busy schedule?
Dreskin: Just like Jonathan Grant said in his interview last month, it’s because somebody asked – I am happy to give back to a profession that has enriched my life. My volunteer responsibilities go on my “to-do” list along with everything else. If I can’t do it to the best of my abilities, I won’t say yes.
What projects are you currently involved in with the ACC? What past involvements have given you exceptional memories?
I am presently program chair for the upcoming convention in Boston. My volunteer work for the ACC began only a few years ago, when I was asked to be on the Board and to co-chair the Chicago convention almost simultaneously. I loved working on the Chicago Convention with Jennifer Frost. I got to know a lot of colleagues who I had not worked with before. I also had the wonderful experience of working with Rachel Roth in the ACC office – the entire experience gave me a much greater appreciation for the immense work that takes place behind the scenes of our organization.
I’ve also enjoyed doing in-house concerts in my living room to raise money for the ACC. The Havdalah concerts were easy and a lot of fun. The first concert I did with two other colleagues and the second was with 5 or 6 six colleagues. We did that concert twice.
How do you inspire young people?
I teach at the URJ Kutz Camp almost every summer and have served on the faculty of Hava Nashira for 13 years. I am dedicated to the informal education scene. I also was associate dean at HUC in NY for four years. I think that campers and students see me as a real human being with a variety of interests, areas of expertise, and a real life on the outside. They see me as a folk musician, a spouse, a parent, and a clergy person who is living as a modern and committed Jew all rolled into one (I hope!!) If I can do it, so can they.
What do you like to do that is completely unrelated to your cantorate?
I don’t know that I consider anything completely unrelated to my cantorate. At the same time, having a relaxing day or evening with my closest friends or my children is as good as it gets. I take down-time pretty seriously.